Secular Agenda

RSA Webinar Highlights: Media responses to Australia’s increasing non-religiosity

Episode Summary

Each month, the Rationalist Society of Australia hosts a webinar, with a guest speaker, or speakers, presenting on a topic of interest. We share highlights of our past webinars here on this podcast. This episode features highlights from our September 2023 webinar, when Dr Rebecca Banham shared insights into her research on the Australian media’s response to the rise of non-religious identification in the Census. Dr Banham is Postdoctoral Research Fellow at University of Tasmania. In the webinar, she spoke about how, following the release of the most recent Census data, significant sections of the media responded to the rapid rise in non-religious identification in the national Census with concern, defensiveness and fear.

Episode Notes

Each month, the Rationalist Society of Australia hosts a webinar, with a guest speaker, or speakers, presenting on a topic of interest. We share highlights of our past webinars here on this podcast.

This episode features highlights from our September 2023 webinar, when Dr Rebecca Banham shared insights into her research on the Australian media’s response to the rise of non-religious identification in the Census.

Dr Banham is Postdoctoral Research Fellow at University of Tasmania.

In the webinar, she spoke about how, following the release of the most recent Census data, significant sections of the media responded to the rapid rise in non-religious identification in the national Census with concern, defensiveness and fear.

You can watch the full webinar here on our YouTube channel.

Read a review about the webinar here on our website.

For more information about upcoming webinars and to register to attend them, visit the webinars page on our website.

The theme music of the Secular Agenda podcast is called 'Curiosity', and it's by Shimmer.

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